17 August - to - 21 August, 1998
Friday, August 21, 1998 Switzerland's SwissCon98: The Swiss Quakers are organising Swisscon'98, an enormous LAN party to which many European (including French) teams participated last year in Basel. If you read the interview with SK-Kane (in Interviews,) you'll know that Swisscon97 was where the SK guys met Therion from Guardians of Chaos. Swisscon'98 will take place towards the end of December (once again in Basel), and the pre-registration form is now up.
QNews77, a Swiss News site, reports that it will be:
"the greatest European LAN party you have seen! We expect people from Germany, France, Italy and OF COURSE Liechtenstein! Also any other is welcome to join in! ;-))".
QNews77 is hosted at SwissQuake, a large Quake site featuring loads of hosted sites, servers, news and views. Among the hosted sites are Twisted Into Form, by Incubus, who is described as SwissQuake's Tournament Master, which has some great-looking graphics and covers a wide range of competitions - map design, speed runs, bots etc. Another is QuakeTology, which contains over 1.5 Gigabytes of files, run by Zeus.
Thanks to SB-Marie - she has a French Quake Page (English language version) well worth checking out :-). Marie emailed me with some nice links and news - thanks! The French hosting site Fondation says: "Well ! Chez Marie! Vous ne connaissez pas encore Marie ? D'oh!". Tres bien!
Ireland's Quakapalooza: Quakapalooza is a big LAN being organised currently by DeVore over in Ireland. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, lasting three days and causing maximum mayhem. DeVore explains over on the Quake IE MB that:
"It's a big lan event. It's on in 9 weeks time, over the OCTOBER bank holiday weekend (24-26th of Oct). You must bring your own computer or get invited as a guest by someone who has. We will supply tables, chairs, hubs, network cards, big screen, sounds system and competitions. You will supply Computer (that is monitor, base unit, mouse, keyboard and speakers) and a power-block to plug all this into.
It will cost you 15 pounds if you didn't bring a machine and prolly 10 pounds if you did. Spare cash goes to running Quakelords. You ALSO get free entry into Europes largest Board Games convention, which is happening at the same time in the same place.
... we are looking at maybe 40+ computers".
Thanks SB-Marie - Quake Page :-).
Italy's QUIT98: QUIT98 is a big LAN being organised in Italy for the end of the European summer (Septemberish? - QUIT97 was held in Sept 97). It already has about 60 registrants. If you live in Europe, you will soon be able to go on a permanent European LAN tour!
Thanks SB-Marie - Quake Page :-).
National Teams being Organised for World Secret Policeman's Ball: All around the world, countries are grappling with the organisational challenge of deciding how to pick a team, and who it should be. Nothing like this has really been done before, by national Quake communities. It is going to take a little time.
In Australia, we are forming a national organising group made up of State representatives to decide our approach. Sujoy writes that over in the UK:
"There's been a huge amount of discussion on IRC about how to go about picking a national quake squad for the UK. What's clear at this early stage is that it's going to be impossible to please everyone, and incredibly difficult to put together any kind of acceptable team. Currently there is a board of four people - myself, Coerj, Nightwing and Cenobite - who will be handling correspondance with the event organisors and working towards making the UK National Quake Team a reality.
The most fun we've had so far was in trying to think up a name for the UK Squad. Clan UK was too boring (which is why we're using it for now!) and [X] for Excalibur was much much too corny. Anyone got any ideas? Currently my vote goes with [TLB] for The Llama Brigade".
In Sweden, they have formed an association to do the same. Hobbex writes that:
"People have actually been more understanding and positive about the whole thing then I was expecting. Most peoples biggest question is how the selection for a national team will take place, and the answer is we don't know yet. The honor of going is so large that I know what ever route is chosen some people will be pissed off. My recommendation to the board has been and will continue to be that we do NOT take it upon ourselves to decide how it will be done, but rather that, if a general meeting cannot be held before a decision in this topic is necessary, a sub-commitee responsible for it is assembled".
In Denmark, HeKSeN writes that they also haven't yet got so far as to figure out how to pick the team. They are thinking of holding some sort of LAN event, or tourney.
SB-Marie sends word that the French are at a similar stage. If you parlez francaise, you can check out the main French Quake site - Quake-FR. If you'd like to have a browse around some cool French clan and Quake-related sites, check out this listing.
Thresh Announces Quake Injection: Thresh announced today that Quake is still the game that lights his fire:
"A lot of people ask me whether I like Quake or Quake II better. Well, after having played Quake for close to two years, then dropping it and playing Quake II, then going back to Quake (for the clan [9] match), I think I have a purty good idea what game I like better, and why. A few months back, I would have simply stated that they are two very different games (which is something I still believe), but now I have a better understanding of why I do prefer one game over the other. So which do I like better? Well dudes, it's gotta be the one that injects the most adrenaline into my brain -- Quake".
No surprises - we all knew Thresh felt this way already ;-). Hehe. Actually, imho the stuff he's doing over on Frontline is very cool - Thresh is getting in there, mixing it up, rolling up his sleeves, having a go - and through all the fun and games on the MB it's clear that important issues are being discussed widely. That stuff on QW, for example, I learnt a lot about what the difference is between QW and NQ.
Button: I created a button, for those sites that use buttons. Actually, I created it at a site where you can make buttons and logos online - http://www.cooltext.com/. I found this site through a Quake site in the UK called MAD Quake UK, which [MAD]Silver emailed me about.
Thursday, August 20, 1998 Take on the World: That's right - watch out world! Australian Quake players are creating a national organising group which will determine our "policy" and produce a national Australian Quake team. It's like gearing up for the bloody United Nations :P~.
Initially, we are organising the community along State lines, because this seems practical. Australia is a BIG country. If however, the State organisers propose another organisational structure, that will be adopted. The first meeting will take place on Sunday evening on IRC, and will involve the State organisers and some invited participants. I expect the logs to be made public.
So far, we have GreySeer in NSW being helped out by a whole bunch of ppl, we have TerM, Punisher, Warhammer and Dethon on the case for QLD, we have the Dalai Lama bringing the big guns of WA to bear, and we have VuduChild cranking up the VIC machine. If you are from another State, . It is never too late.
Hoony is sort of facilitating this thing, and his (my) role will be to represent Australia to the US/ world organisers of the Secret World Policeman's Ball.
Nothing will happen in secret from the State organisers, and they will determine our Australian "policy" as a group. Challenge.AU will represent this "policy" on behalf of the Australian Quake community - in whatever international forum Ignatu creates. A number of issues have already begun to emerge - QW vs NQ, "allstars" versus "State teams", and general tournament rules. Where does Australia stand on these issues? The organising group will come to a decision on these issues.
If you want to influence your State organising body - contact the State organisers, get involved. Please give them your support.
Challenge.AU 16 Player - Test - Invitational Duel Tourney: The Duel Tourney Section of the Challenge.AU website is now up - pls check it out here. Don't confuse this with the World Deathmatch Tournament that is being organised in the US, and which Challenge.AU is working on separately (see above).
I am really proud to announce that we have 16 fantastic Duel Quake Players confirmed for the Test scheduled on the 5th of September:
Jac Deth
This is an incredible bunch of Players - pretty well every top Duel Player in the State! Remember, spectating is free at this TEST event - check out the website for all the info.
is the tournament Director, and the main honcho organising this event. He is assembling a large team of very experienced and capable NSW Quake and LAN ppl and things are looking really good. I would like to thank everybody who is helping out, including the Players, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them in action :-).
Please check out the Invitational 16 Player Duel Tourney - the TOURNEY section on the Challenge.AU menu - and email or with any feedback or suggestions you may have.
Duel Maps: Check out the maps GolSyd are running on their duel servers - cool hey?
fribweb1/ rapture1/gomdm2/harmdm1/dakyne
That Thresh Quote: Poor Happy Killmore copped a bit of flak for Thresh saying such nice things about him the other day. Happy didn't actually say anything to Thresh about being a "top Australian Player" - it was one of those very funny things that can happen. Happy is a very good Player, btw, and you never know, maybe Thresh was making a perceptive prediction ;-).
Vekoduck: Vekotin emailed me to tell me about Vekoduck, a Finnish Quake site that has been very active - organizing the previous Finnish championships, making a lot of lan party features and special video coverage from IRL meetings. Thanks man!
Malaysian Quake team?: RaptoR, a very nice Malaysian Quake Player writes that "we're trying to work something out here, with guitarman and me doin the initial planning. We intend to set up an organisation first i suppose. As all of us here are still students, i'm not sure how are we going to get something serious going on. Maybe we'll just set up a committee to select our national team, hehehe. Goin overseas might be a problem, but we're keeping our fingers crossed".
Yes, good luck guys, it's not easy. A really cool thing Raptor told me was that there are some new demos available featuring 2 of Malaysia's best DM4 players, [AC]guitarman and [BKRM]monkey. You can find them at http://clan.backroom.net/files/demos/guitsdemo.zip. They are particularly cool because they show guitarman's POV playing on RQ - this guy rocks.
Vert LAN: Some demos and a write-up of a local LAN held by Clan Z (Australian) can be found at http://dns.multiplay.com.au/vert/index.htm
Wednesday, August 19, 1998 World Deathmatch Tourney: I pulled the info I had up earlier, at the request of Ignatu. He was very good about it actually, what with me shouting out from the rooftops at the top of my lungs. I expect from now on he'll preface any stuff like that with -"not for publication". A lot of ppl do that and I always respect their wish. Personally, I believe in open debate of all the issues, but that's not my decision to make now. Actually, as someone who tries to write independent news I have to deal with a new reality - that my involvement as an Australian organiser in this thing makes me a very biased puppy. I can't exactly write anything unbiased about something I fully support now can I?
So I am having to rethink what the deal is with the news on Challenge.AU. I'm going to get dinner and think about that one...
Korma: Yum, yum.
The World Secret Policeman's Ball: Here's what I can say - the World Secret Policeman's Ball, run by Klaatu, is going to happen sometime next year ;-). Many countries are in it - countries already committed: Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Brazil, Australia, Germany, USA, Canada, Hungary, Switzerland, Israel; Pending verification: Austria, Finland, Norway, Singapore, China, Japan, Spain, UK, France, South Africa, Hong Kong. People are sending teams - by any method they desire, and raising funding to cover travel and expenses.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Nothing is set in stone, times previously cited are indicative, much work remains to be done. In particular, the deadline for national organisations to submit a team, so far as I am aware has not been set. So if you are hearing about this for the first time, don't panic - email the main US organiser, Ignatu, at .
Thresh's Thoughts: I saw over on Thresh's Frontline that there is some really good discussion about "stuff". For example, the merits of QuakeWorld versus Normal Quake:
"I for one don't mind (too much) the newer versions of QW. The new changes have bridged the gap between NetQuake and QuakeWorld that once made it damn near impossible to cross over between the two. However, there is still one major flaw I see in QW, one so serious that till this day, makes me feel like gagging when I hear about playing in a QW-only tournament -- The insanely increased blast radius! I really wonder what the hell inspired Zoid to increase the blast radius in QW... especially to the extent that he did. I'm not sure about the exact numbers, but it feels like the blast radius is twice as big in QW as it is in NQ. :/ Rockets that normally wouldn't do any damage in NQ, knock off close to 100 health in QW. Understandably, QW is high-ping oriented. Meaning, it was created mainly to give high-pingers a fighting chance against LPBS. I have no problem with that. However, increasing the blast radius so that people will have a better chance at killing the enemy is just wrong, and something needs to be done about it, ASAFP".
Thankfully, to my knowledge Klaatu has not made any final decisions about the World Policeman's Ball, and I'm confident that there will be some sort of process to resolve this issue. Check out Thresh's Frontline MB for more interesting stuff, including this quote (onya Happy!) ;-)
"I know for a fact [9] prefers NQ now, and I just got an email from Happy Killmore, a top australian player, who also says he prefers NQ over QW over LAN. The list of QW-supporters is slowly diminishing..."
Secondly, over on Frontline Thresh discusses another issue - whether or not an "allstar" team or a "best team" should be sent from any particular country to the WSPB. In Australia we will have to make up our own collective minds on this issue - as the "best team" could end up being WAR from Queensland (just an example). The rest of the States would then have to wave WAR off at the airport - "good luck, lads!!". The Americans, it seems, are comfortable with the "allstar" team concept.
Svenska Deathmatch F?rbundet: The Swede's have gone the democratic route and created a "Swedish Deathmatch Association". Chairman Hobbex writes over on A Frag in the Darkness that:
"Izn0 contacted me about this late last week, and over the weekend we talked around to people and wrote a draft for constitution.Yesterday, all the parties that had showed interest met and voted for a TEMPORARY board and to accept the constitution.
The temporary board consists of GoM-Izn0, [9]Doomer, BD-Mormor, [+]Deceptor, Per_COTS, Kemikal_SweMob, and me. I was chosen (partially against my will :-) ) as the Chairman.
Now, know that this organization is DEMOCRATIC, and this is no way an attempt for the temporary board to "take control". AN ELECTION FOR A REAL BOARD WILL BE HELD, and it will be held LONG BEFORE the World Championships next spring. If we missed talking to you this weekend, we are sorry, but every member will have equal right to influence the future of the organization so it is really no loss".
It is really interesting to watch the process within various countries of how national organisations get set up.
Countries on the Go Go: A quick look around the globe tonight reveals global Quake forces are stocking up on Red Armour and Rockets - Sujoy reports that a UK national team is being set up with the assistance of Barrysworld. I saw from Gandalf that Ireland is working on it -check out the IE message board. From France, I hear word that is "gathering the forces" and that a national team is being created - Fontaned writes:
"The National Team is not the Santa Bartelemia Clan. This is only a clan among others. We are at the moment creating a page for the national team. But still there is no national team yet. - French News... on Santa Bartelemia's page. Well this page is updated every month when we are lucky. Just try: http://www.h3d.com/deos (yes my page) which is recognized in the community as one of the best page on quake in France".
Aragorn tells me that Holland are busy getting their organisation together while Lw-thornie writes that Belgian quakers are also on the warpath. You can check them out at the Belgian Quake League.
The Germans are of course preparing their weapons -SK-Griff is on the job. In fact, head over to the Schroet Kommando website for news of the recent UK vs Germany international and [sk]Metzgerr has written a report on it here. Do you like demos? The SK guys have some info about how you can buy a CD full of demos - they have a great collection pulled together for $25 DM (for two CDs) which is about US$20 (what's my cut again, Griff?).
Cenobite Update: It's true, Cenobite has made an update to his site, with new cool graphics. Always worth checking out.
My Decision on the News: I'll just declare my hand - as part of an Australian organising effort for the World Secret Policeman's Ball, I am obviously biased. This means you can't rely on me for objective reporting on this - OK? I'll try and provide a different perspective, sure, and if I think something sucks I will say so but basically - Hoony wants this thing to succeed.
Tuesday, August 18, 1998 IT'S ON!: Received an email from Frank "Ignatu" Cabanski, which sets out the plan for the upcoming WORLD DEATHMATCH TOURNAMENT. You heard me right, although I find it hard to believe myself that this is actually happening. We are talking about Quake, international Quake, and spectator-orientated, competitive, top-level Quake :-).
There is a lot to digest, and a lot to think about here. The best thing is probably for you to take a look at some of the key sections in Frank's email. Because he didn't say this was not to be published, I am going to publish it extensively. This deserves to be published, and applauded, frankly, no pun intended, because this is not just major league Quake this is major league kick-ass Quake :-).
This computer sport, Quake, has refused to lie down, thanks to the incredible dedication and energy of the Players. It's two years, and now we're looking at international tournaments, mass-media broadcasts, I tell you, speaking personally, this is SO GOOD TO SEE. I think of those many talented Players out there who are going to get an opportunity to experience new heights of competitive challenge - it's giddy shit for them and for all of us. A lot of people had a hell of a good time with 9 VS Deathrow, a fucking hell of a good time.
The Australian Team: I think we need a National Organisation right now, given the tight time-frames, that is capable of organising and generating funding and interest within Australia - and I would like to propose Challenge.AU. We already have sponsorship commitments from Village Roadshow, Microsoft, Telstra and Ozemail, to mention some of our sponsors, for our Australia Vs New Zealand series. We are capable of doing this.
Challenge.AU is a company already - with Chairman Hoony and Director Paranoid (Ramin Marzbani). GreySeer is our Chief Operations guy. We work with the Quake community in NSW extensively and I have been involved in the intial discussions for the "AGL" (I believe it is soon to have a new name). In fact, I talked to LG today, the main organiser behind the AGL, and he told me he saw a natural role for Challenge.AU as an organiser of internationally-focused Quake events. I would like to work closely with LG on this.
We have developed plans for determining a national team in relation to playing the Kiwis. I think Challenge.AU is well-positioned to be able to do this and I'd like to ask for the support of the Australian community for us to take this on. Remember, the organising body has to be vetted by the US head honchos on a yearly basis.
How Challenge.AU proposes to do this, is for each State to organise it's own team competition, on LAN, using the World Deathmatch Tournament rules preferably. The winning team from each State will then come to NSW (the largest and most central Quaking State) where a national team play-off would determine the team we send to the US next year. According to Frank's timetable, this National tournament would need to take place around the end of November.
Each State would be responsible for getting their own team organised and to the national championships. If we have the $$$ to send 8 Players, then we'll effectively send two 4-Player teams.
Let's get this show on the road!
Monday, August 17, 1998 Germany Victorious over UK: Coerj has written a report on the UK Vs Germany international which took place over the weekend. Apparently each side had ok pings but bad packet loss to each other's server. As a result, Players from both teams attempted to limit the loss by not spawning on their away leg - meaning each side only got to frag the other when they respawned! As Coerj writes, "Unfortunately for the UK side our mod did it a whole lot slower than the German side!! Doh!".
The outcome: Home Leg: UK 333 Germany: 135 Away Leg: UK 52 Germany 722
The UK team consisted of Timber, Hakeem, Proxima, Spirit, Coerj, Aerotek, Adze, Ceno, Nightwing and Psychopath. TotMacher, the Leader of the German Team, had SK_Kane, SK_Burke, SK_Metzgerr, SK_Griff, SK_Speed, SK_Kilakastrat, [EXO]Dead-Eye, [OCR]Iwan, and [EA]Skill. TotMacher asked that QUAD-Fluegi, a German Player who enabled them to play from a University T1-Line get a big thanx.
I also noticed Coerj has a cool new menu and he had a bit of trouble working out where to stick the link to Challenge.AU, hehe:
"Also you may have noticed a slight change around with the site! I was getting really annoyed without my links page so I decided to put them up on the side making them nice and quick and easy to get to, and before you all scream I know Challenge.au isn't European however it isn't US and I didn't know where else to put it =)".
The Day "Tron" Walked into BarrysWorld: Coerj also has a cool story up about a Slovenian Quake Player called Tron who turned up on the Barrysworld servers. Turns out that he gets a better ping to Barrysworld in the UK than to his servers back home. After exchanging a few emails, Coerj discovered that Slovenians are as mad as the rest of us about Quake, and he discovered Deathmatch Slovenia and Quake SiOL-a, two Slovenian Quake sites. Way to go Coerj.
International Quake Tourney Rumblings: There have been various rumblings suggesting that the international Quake tourney concept is being worked on in the US Quake scene. Happy Killmore emailed me to say that he'd heard from Thresh that:
"We're in the process of trying to arrange a full-on international tournament. If it works out, maybe Australia can be involved?".
sCary writes that:
"ClanRing is ... putting together an effort to form the best teams from different countries. NetQuake or QW though is still a question, but selecting the best TEAM players in America is an even tougher one. Representatives of the various countries will be meeting within the next week, to finalize the rules and platform. If you have a company interested in sponsoring the international event, or have input / suggestions. Drop Ignatu a line at ".
I've been in contact with Ignatu regarding this stuff also, and an international tourney is indeed in the early stages of development. It's time for Australia to once again consider the question of how we would pick - say, an 8-Player team, and how we would get that team flown to the USA in - say, February.
Challenge.AU has a few ideas, having considered this problem in relation to the New Zealand connection, and we can also help with sponsorship and organisation. In addition, there are steps currently being taken in Australia to create a national tournament structure - you may have heard of the soon-to-be-announced AGL. I'll let you know as soon as I have any more information but I have been involved in the early discussions which defined the structure of the AGL, and hope to speak to the organisers again soon.
Methos Quake Voting Page: Methos has a Quake Voting Page up at http://methos.llamanet.net/qvote.htm in which you get the chance to exercise your democratic rights on all sorts of stuff. He also pointed out in an email that I still had my 9vsDR banner up. That's cuz I liked it so much! I really wish that it was still going, especially now that I have replaced it with the "home-made" job you can see up there now. Oh well, I have a buddy who is working on a replacement :-)
CSN - Independent of the CPL and the PGL: Last week I said I wasn't too sure whether or not CSN was CPL-related, and whether an editorial written by Dru which looked critically at the issue of cheating in online leagues like liga.net and the PGL was biased. I received an email from Dru in which he explained that CSN is only related to the CPL in that Lindril went to the CPL tournament and wrote the news for CSN about the CPL. He reminded me that his previous critical editorial was about the CPL, and explained that, depending on what is happening and where, CSN will cover both the CPL and PGL at various times in the future. I think this is fair enough, and I wish them the best with their news site.
On the CSN About page, Dru and Lindril explain where the guys behind CSN (who include Lord Vader, Leprechaun, sCary and PaulBaker) are coming from:
"Through independent volition, Dru and Lindril each came upon the desire to begin the odyssey that is the Cyber Sports Network. They preceived a glaring absense of serious attention to professional AND amateur gaming; a genre of athletics that has taken off, gone out of this world, and left everyone behind. Long-time friends and like-minded individuals, Dru and Lindril have resolved to make tofu out of any obstacle in their path to legitimate professional computer gaming coverage. And when you get those two looneys together, world beware".
I am willing to accept that the CSN guys are independent, but they are going to have to work harder to warm up Hobbex, who writes:
"As an outside trying to follow the American Quake scene with all its leagues and compos and god knows what I applauded the idea of a general site about GAMING when it launched. I'm not going to get into details, but I can't deny my disappointment with how csn has turned out. In my opinion, everything from the news to the articles there have always seemed tilted towards one side of the American scene at the expense of the much more active PGL part. Calling that biassed may have been stretching it, but from time to time that is how it has felt".
I Can't Quote Clanscene: That's right, there is always lots of cool stuff over at ClanScene, but I can't copy and paste any highlights from it because it's all in some java stuff :-(. From memory, HeKSeN has some news coming up about the Cybergate Challenge in Denmark, which Sujoy recently attended.
9 Demos: They are all there (well, mostly), including Thresh's POV of Game 5 on DM3, where you see more yellow bodies flying around than in a canary cage with a mean tomcat. Check it out at http://www.nine.nu/clan9/demos.htm.
Quake.au Gets a Facelift: Malby's Quake.AU has had some surgery and it looks pretty neat-o - go take a look. If you're wondering who the blonde girl is peering over the side of his Quake logo, it's a pr0n babe named Jana who is famous round these parts for doing imaginative things with vegetables. She's kind of cute, isn't she.
New Aussie 3-D Site: It's not often we get a new Quake-related website in Australia, and I received an email to say there's a new site dedicated to "all that is 3D" at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Foothills/8817/index.html.
Irish Quake2: What might three Irishmen chatting about Quake2 sound like? Von Swine sent me this chat-log:
and u have to d/l about 100 megs worth of stuff just to get q2 dm going about 90 fecking patches for the game and buy a new machine and 3d card etc to make it look half decent yup and then have the patience to run thru the game at 2 miles per hour and weapon changing takes aeons rofl yeah you've to open out your inventory and select a weapon lol while you're getting shot at h a n g o n . . . . s w i t c h i n g t o s h o t g u n lol and all the weapons are equally good except the rl then it's like "blade all u do is type select rocket launcher at console u ninny"!! lol emm well can I not just press 1 key like? oh no ffs tomb.. type inventory.. then choose grenades u fool the fuckin inventory takes up the whole screen then you've to look tru it and select what a load of fuckin crap heh every poxy level has the same stupid texture and the levels look the same yeah its either a warehouse or a warehouse comes up and says.. laoding such and such level. and your like. this the same level we played? haha heh
* Tomb gets an eerie feeling of deja vu