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#Challenge on ETG.
#Challenge on Quakenet.

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Pro Mode:
Project Team

Hoony 10 Dec
Khaile 28 Apr
PhaNToM 20 Oct
Mr.CleaN 24 Jun
RooS 31 Jul
Jude 19 Jun

Link to Challenge World

The ReadMe   comment
GAMEPLAY CHANGES [a|revelation/D16-Makaveli/SK_Griff/[9]Paralyzer/Shub[MM]/[M]Cetra]
The gameplay in the Challenge Pro Mode has been "tweaked" extensively by a number of "pro" gamers. Critical design decisions were delegated to expert gamers, in what is quite a radical approach.

Summary of changes:
- Faster weapons switch
- MG does less damage and has less ammo
- SSG is unchanged
- GL has faster reloading, more knockback and less bounce
- RL has more knockback (otherwise unchanged)
- LG has more knockback (otherwise unchanged)
- RG is unchanged
- PG has less ammo
- BFG emulates QW RL
- More air control
- Armor does not decay
- Armor shards are weaker
- RA offers more protection
- Respawn health is 100
- Green Health Value is reduced
- Armor, Health and Ammo respawn faster (different styles for Tournament and Teamplay)
- QUAD does 4 times damage
- QUAD spawns every minute
- Backpacks
- Force respawn set at 3
- No Footsteps

MATCH ADMIN FEATURES [HighlandeR/D!ablo/PhaNToM/Khaile].
The Challenge Pro Mode comes with extensive Match Admin and "Say" features which are controlled via the console.

For a full list of Match Admin commands, type /help.

Available Options [HighlandeR/D!ablo/PhaNToM]:
- powerups - enabled/disabled
- holdables - enabled/disabled
- cmd timelimit - adjusts timelimit
- cmd fraglimit - adjusts fraglimit
- cmd capturelimit - adjusts capture limit
- cmd overtime - adjusts overtime
- cmd weaponrespawn - adjusts weapon respawn times
- weaponstyle - adjusts method of adding ammo when picking up weapon
- g_doWarmup" -> 1/2/3 - (includes in some modes god, infinite ammo, all weapons on the map and no item pickups)
- nextWarmup - cycle through warmup styles
- ready - ready
- notready - not ready
- pause - pause game
- forcestart - starts counter
- break - breaks forcestart, stops game
- callvote - usage callvote
- g_overtime - works the same way as "timelimit" except -1 value means sudden death

Server Admins are listed in "admin.ini", by default localhost is an admin with full permissions [D!ablo].

Match Statistics [PhaNToM]:
- Simple post-match stats

"Say" Codes [Khaile]:
Though the teamoverlay box can be useful, it is still often neccessary to quickly express certain needs to your team mates.

A say code is expressed with a number sign (#) followed by a command character. If the certain character isn't supported, nothing is modified ("say_team #1" will show up as "#1", for example). If two number signs are placed beside each other, one will be removed and the other left intact ("say_team ##" will be "#", and "say_team #####" will become "###" as the two first doubles will be truncated and the last will remain because "end of line" isn't a supported command character).

The actual string editing is performed on the server, so no client-side options are available.

- #h - this will be replaced with your current health.

- #H - this will be replaced with your current health and color coded. If your health is less than 50, the numbers will be red and If you have more than 100 they will be white. Otherwise they will be yellow.

- #a - this will be replaced with your current armor.

- #A - this will be replaced with your current armor and color coded. If your health is less than 50, the numbers will be red and if you have more than 100 they will be white. Otherwise they will be yellow.

- #p and #P - this will be replaced with the powerup names that you are currently carrying (this includes the enemy's flag in CTF).

- #w - this will be replaced with the best weapon you have ammo for. Only the weapon's abbreviation is used.

- #W - this will be replaced with the best weapon you have ammo for and color coded. Only the weapon's abbreviation is used. If your best weapon is a MG or Gauntlet, the color will be red, otherwise white.

- #l and #L - this will be replaced with "Health" and/or "Armor" if you have less than 50 in any of these.

- #m and #M - this will be replaced with **-ammo for every weapon you have but less than 5 rounds for, where ** is replaced with the weapon's abbreviation. For example: If you have 3 rockets and no slugs, but you have both the rocket launcher and the railgun, this command will display "RL-ammo RG-ammo". Machinegun and gauntlet are ignored.

New Console Commands [Khaile]:
- report - sends a say_team message with information about you health, armor, best weapon and powerups. The say codes to achieve the same message is "say_team [H:#H] [A:#A] [#W] #p".

Other tips [Khaile]:
The following messages can perhaps be of interest to bind:

"say_team I'm low on #l!!"
"say_team I need #m!!"
"say_team I've got the #p"

The Challenge Pro Mode has extensively customisable HUDs. Our programmers have focused on the needs of the competitive Quake player.

Key features [Khaile]:
- Health and armor bars
- Weaponlists
- Crosshair colors
- Crosshair team info
- More flexible / more options (lots of combinations)
- Ammo doesn't flash when you fire
- The selected weapon is marked with a background in the weaponlist.
- When a weapon is picked up, the weapon's background flashes in the weaponlist.
- Increased alpha for crosshairs.
- Scoreboard now presents each client's FPS. This value is only updated once every 20 seconds.
- Scoreboard also shows ready states and player colors.

Usage [Khaile]:
- hudstyle # - Sets the style to the specified number. There are currently 8 different styles, you can create your own styles with config files.
- hudnext - Sets the HUD to the "next" style, use this to quickly check out all styles.
- hudprev - Sets the HUD to the "previous" style, use this to quickly check out all styles.
- cg_hud_crosshairColor - Use this to change the crosshair color. 0 is white, 1 is red, 2 green, 3 yellow, 4 blue, 5 magenta, 6 cyan. Important note: cg_crosshairHealth overrides this function, turn it off to use these colors.
- cg_hud_crosshairTeamInfo - When enabled you see information about your teammates when they're targeted in your crosshair. Only available when cg_drawTeamOverlay is enabled.
- cg_hud_graphs - Enables the graphs for some of the statusbar styles.
- cg_hud_statusbarStyle - This sets the HUD's appearance. 0 is original q3 style, 1 uses long horizontal bars, 2 uses short horizontal bars, 3 uses vertical bars, 4 places the health information in the weaponlist and 5 uses three horizontal bars. Notice that some combinations of statusbar styles and weaponlists wont display all information. Find the one you feel most comfortable with.
- cg_hud_teamBackground - Enables/disables the use of the team background in the statusbar.
- cg_hud_weaponList - This sets the weaponlist's appearance, 0 disables it. 1 is on the left, 2 is on the right and 3 is in the middle. The weaponlist can look differently depending on the statusbar's style.
- cg_hud_weaponListDrawAll - Enabling this variable will force the weaponlist to show all weapons (ie. including those not carried).
- cg_hud_weaponListBackground - This setting will display a blue background for the selected weapon in the weaponlist.
- cg_hud_weaponListFlash - Disable this to remove the background "flash" for new weapons in the weaponlist.
- cg_hud_drawPickup - Disable this if you don't want the item pickup messages.
- cg_hud_fragMessage - Set this to 0 to completely remove the frag message or to 2 for the normal size.
- cg_crosshairHealth - This function now works for _all_ crosshair types.
- cg_lagometer - If you disable this variable the lower left corner is better used for teamplay information.
- cg_drawFPS - Set this to 2 for a new calculation method, which is a little more accurate. Contact Khaile for more technical information.

PLAYER COLORS [Slight/Khaile].
By using special Challenge Pro Mode skins, you can now choose your own colors. You can also force colors on your opponents to make them easier to see.

Supported models and skins:
These are the skins that support the new color functions. Use the "model" command to choose a model/skin.

- crash/default_pm
- visor/default_pm
- sarge/default_pm
- mynx/default_pm
- ranger/default_pm

The player colors have three areas. These are head, torso and legs. You can set different colors on each of these parts using the "color" command. The railtrail will use the same color as your head. In teamplay, you must use your team's colors on your body (torso+legs), but you can still have your individual color on your head and railtrail.

To set your color, you type:
- color #,#,# - where the #'s are your preffered colors. You can choose to omit certain colors if you like, the system will use the last value given. In other words, you can either type
- color [head],[torso],[legs]
- color [head],[body]


- color [all]

You can also choose to skip the commas, and just type "color ###".

Color listing:
These are Challenge Pro Mode's colors:

0 = White
1 = Red
2 = Green
3 = Yellow
4 = Blue
5 = Magenta
6 = Cyan
7 = Orange
8 = Purple
9 = Light Blue

- cg_forceColors - you can also force the color on your enemies, like the forcemodel cvar. If you activate "cg_forceColors", all enemies (with legal skins) will use the same color as you do. In teamplay, this function only forces the color on your opponents, not your teammates.

Creating new colored skins:
Challenge Pro Mode uses the "default_pm" instead of "default" and "blue"/"red". If you're creating a new model, make sure you include a .skin file named "default_pm" and another file named "default_pm_vertex". The first one is used for users with lightmap, and the other for users with vertexlight. This system has been implemented to make the colors look good in both lightning modes. If you want to create another skin with color support, but you don't want it to be the default skin, just make sure you have a "_pm" postfix on the .skin name and it will work fine (for example "mynewskin_pm"). Just remember you must create another skin named "mynewskin_pm_vertex" aswell. Please look in the pk3's for examples on how we created it.

MENU APPEARANCE [Khaile/Oblivion/PhaNToM]
We have made some subtle and helpful changes to the Menu layout and appearance.

Key changes:
- Backgound shader/texture [Khaile/Oblivion].
- Menu cursor [Oblivion].
- Vertex lighting menu backgound [Oblivion].
- Demo menu [PhaNToM].
- Player settings menu [Khaile].

MISCELLANEOUS [Slight/HighlandeR/Khaile/Oblivion/PhaNToM/CRT/Essobie]
The Challenge Pro Mode comes with a number of additional features.

Key features:
- "True Shaft", to activate use "cg_truelightning 0, 1, 2" [CRT/PhaNToM/HighlandeR]
- Splash Damage fix (damage through platforms), "g_radiusDamageFix" set to 1 to enable it [Khaile].
- Sound bug fix [HighlandeR].
- Hit sounds [a|revelation]
- Backpack model/skin [Slight].
- Backpack contents are displayed on the console [Khaile/PhaNToM].
- Thirdperson camera, to activate you need to be a spectator following a player and have "cg_thirdperson" set to 1, also works with demo playback if the demo was recored by a spectator [PhaNToM].
- Lightning gun model [Essobie].

The Challenge Pro Mode comes with four custom maps selected and/or designed specially for Promode Tournament and Team DM:

- Wicked [q3jdm8a], by Alan 'jude' Donald,
- Use and Abuse [q3jdm10], by Alan 'jude' Donald,
- Realm of Steel Rats [q3kdm1], by Jens 'Khaile' Bergensten,
- Coitus Interuptus [69pickup1.pk3], by Anders '[69]Streamer' Larsson,

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