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QW vs CPMA? ? $comment_count ?>
Right now there are some nice games happening in the world of "high-performance" competitive FPS gaming (I had to preface that so you knew I wasn't talking about camperstrike).

What I'm talking about are two 1v1 tournaments going on at the moment which are producing a bucketload of good demos. They are Face-Off: Clash of the Titans (CoTT) and Duelmania.

CoTT is a Q3A tournament, featuring the Challenge ProMode Arena (CPMA) mod, and Duelmania is a QW tournament. If you enjoy one, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't also enjoy the other. Both games play hard and fast, and in these tournaments are some of the best players you will see anywhere.

QW of course is enjoying something of a 'revival' with casual gamers thanks to The CPL honoring it with centre-stage in their 4-Year Anniversary Event, but as you know QW has been rocking on for years now. Our own international QW 4v4 league, Challenge-Smackdown, is now nearing the end of it's second season.

Duelmania is a Scandinavian online tournament and due to fantastic Internet access and long winter nights the Scandis are regarded as the unofficial 'world's best QW players' (to be 'official' they need to get their frozen asses to the 4-Year Anniversary Event but that's another story).

So the quality of the Duelmania QW demos is outstanding. You can find them right here on Challenge.TV, because dK organised it for us (thx dK and thx yogic!).

Just now, Duelmania is at the quarter-finals / semi-finals stage. You can check out the standings on this page.

Note that Rat, who has reached the semi-finals in the winners' bracket, also mixes it up HPW-style with the US Q3A community (in addition to CoTT he played in the Challenge.TV CPM Challenge (CCC)).

That's right, he's playing both QW and CPMA competitively. I asked him if he uses the same movement keys in both games and he said he does. In fact, he said that CPMA has "helped a lot :)" with his QW game.

Recently Rat played two of Poland's top CPMA players, fetter (winner of the recent CGL2) and krogoth, and beat them both on the Pole's fav map, CPM3. To be fair, the Poles weren't used to playing online (they are LAN players). But even so, I thought Rat outplayed them in the "game-strategy" department. He didn't allow them to dominate by playing their preferred style of game. You can check out those demos here.

Another player who has been playing QW and CPMA competitively is cK-czm, who is in the finals of Face-Off's Best of The Best QuakeWorld 1v1 Online Tournament and is now also competing in Face-Off's CoTT.

CoTT is of course producing a host of entertaining and high-quality demos, which is not surprising when you have players like czm, c3, Moonshine and Bitchslayer (from Q3A) and Apheleon, Illusion, Rat, and xfoo (from CPMA) (only to name a few).

You can check out the CoTT demos right here on Challenge.TV, thanks to dK as well (thx dK!).

So you see, if quality hardcore Quake is your thing, right now there are some great games being played with plenty of demos to see. If you play QW, but not CPMA, or vice-versa, maybe you could think about broadening your gaming experience a bit? It means you can get to see more fantastic Quake players in action.

Comment #1 by on 14:07, Tuesday, 15 May 2001
There are clearly some great demos produced in the ongoing tournaments.

My personal favourite, when it comes to sheer entertainment, is the one between Darkhold and Stykkz wich you can find here ->

Darkhold is showing off his great movement, speed and rapeing skills.

Darkhold is, in my view, a typical example of the new generation scandinavian qw-players. He has a nearly perfect movement around the map and a deadly accurate shaft. But he lacks some of the tactical skills.

In an ordinary everyday picup-game on the internet, most players play a bit crazy, taking way to many chances. In competitions however, the truly great players, moderate themselves and saves the crazy jumps and triks for the exact right moments.

If you look at Darkhold, he constantly makes little tactical mistakes, like giveing away the third floor, making to much sound, and missing vital sounds made by his opponent. In this match however, the opponent doesn't have the skills to take advantage of these minor mistakes, but believe me, a better player would.

Players like SoD! and Giffin have been around for years, and they played quake in the heydays, when everyone had pretty much the same movement, and tactics were everything. Today they do not only have the movement, but they also have the tactical skills that were so vital some years ago (and still is!).

The conlusion:
Today, in Scandinavia, you have three types of qw players:

1. The guy with insane movement, killer shaft, and no brains, that rape everyone on the servers.

2. The old school guy, who has bad movement, a decent shaft, great tactics, but gets raped on the net because he is way too slow.

3. The guy who looks like an average #1 guy, but somehow crushes the opposition in competitions, because he watched the TGI demos again and again until he understood why laker and kane crushed the opposition without a single bunnyjump.

Darhold was beaten in the second round to a guy who took advantage of Darkholds mistakes.

Comment #2 by on 14:12, Tuesday, 15 May 2001
thx for that commentary Bisector. It would have been interesting to see ParadoKs and pietro in that tourney, if only they had both been able to continue.

Comment #3 by on 23:27, Tuesday, 15 May 2001
For god's sake man, is reload attending the QW CPL event? =P

Comment #4 by on 23:45, Tuesday, 15 May 2001
I have heard that he's not able to, sadly. Hopefully he'll change his mind. But, I think it might have something to do with exams, in which case I wouldn't expect to see him go.

thx Hoony
Comment #5 by on 06:57, Wednesday, 16 May 2001
For the words, I wanna make something cleear tho. People send me qw demos thru mail and irc and I basically upload em to a folder and yogic watches them to determine if they are worthy then adds them, so he gets all the credit for adding the qw demos. :)

Comment #6 by on 08:13, Wednesday, 16 May 2001
oh right, I didn't know that. thx yogic!

Comment #7 by on 14:24, Thursday, 17 May 2001
"QW of course is enjoying something of a 'revival' with casual gamers thanks to The CPL honoring it with centre-stage in their 4-Year Anniversary Event, but as you know QW has been rocking on for years now. Our own international QW 4v4 league, Challenge-Smackdown, is now nearing the end of it's second season."

Dunno really but that revival process started before CPL announced their tourney earlier this year. I would name this SD2 season and a whole lot of other scandinavian and world wide leagues and tourneys as the decisively point. Also the development of CPMA, it seems a lot of CPMA players try out QW because the games are so similar.

The most important fact though is, CPLs way goes into the direction towards CS. Tho some gamers of the Q3 community like that game, a lot do NOT and these players seek fun in either going back to QW (may it be competitive or not :p).

Then, QW and CPMA demos/games are far more enjoyable whilst viewing. I really appreciated the upcoming CS demo.. well did. I downloaded some demos of the top notch players. Never did I watched MORE boring demos than these. Regardless all god-like AWP aim, they're boring.

Whatever, this should not end in a CS pisstake :p. All I wanted to say is that some players seek fast-paced action which they cannot find in ANY of the new game except a mod called CPMA and an oldskool game called QW :).

Comment #8 by on 14:26, Thursday, 17 May 2001
"...and these players seek fun in either going back to QW (may it be competitive or not :p)."

...or playing CPMA. ;)

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