Who will win CHEU challenges CPM tourney? |
How can Cookie lose weight? |
What would you like to do to 'OGC user' uNdie? |
What would you like to do to uNdie? |
What would you like to do to uNdie? |
Which UK tdm clan is the best? |
Which Eurocup interests you the most? |
Which settings would you prefer for CTF? |
Best football game on the Amiga? |
Best football game on the Amiga? |
Who do you think will win the World Cup? |
What is your preferred map list for LA7? |
What is your prefered map list for LA7? |
Which UK clan will finish best in EC5? |
Which unr player had the highest score-per-map average in EC4? |
If Games Domain's £20,000 tourney included q3, would you enter? |
Which resolution do you browse in? |
Can you blow yourself in the bath? |
Which two clans will make it into ECV? |
Cruz or Kidman? |
What colour background for IRC? |
How did 4K^Q50 break his arm? |
Who's gonna take the cup in 'dam? |
Who's going to top PMI.eu? |
The winner of WCG will be? |
The winner of WCG will be? |
Which quake site is best for news? |
Is "Nothingness" a word? |
Is "Nothingness" a word? |
Do you vote on CHUK polls? |
Will xsreality ever be back? |
Which weekly item could you not live without? |
Does CHUK need a re-design |
Who rocks the dance dance revolution mostest? |
Best sandwhich? |
Which writer at ch-uk is the ugliest? |
Does Challenge-UK need a new poll? |
How long on average does it take Blokey to write a four-line update? |
Who will win the BWDML playoffs? |
Which is the worst best teamplayer? |
RA3 Competitions - CPMA or RA3? |
RA3 AllStars: who's gonna win? |
Who will be the last UK player on ISDN? |
Who will win Quakecon 1on1? |
Who will win BWCTF Div 1? |
Is Ranger your daddeh? |
Whose BW CTF AllStar team is going to win? |
What format should the next CPL Europe event take? |
Should CHUK reveal the full extent of HELL's antics at CPL Holland? |
Who do you think will finish lowest at CPL Holland? |