Poll Results

Who will win CHEU challenges CPM tourney?
How can Cookie lose weight?
What would you like to do to 'OGC user' uNdie?
What would you like to do to uNdie?
What would you like to do to uNdie?
Which UK tdm clan is the best?
Which Eurocup interests you the most?
Which settings would you prefer for CTF?
Best football game on the Amiga?
Best football game on the Amiga?
Who do you think will win the World Cup?
What is your preferred map list for LA7?
What is your prefered map list for LA7?
Which UK clan will finish best in EC5?
Which unr player had the highest score-per-map average in EC4?
If Games Domain's £20,000 tourney included q3, would you enter?
Which resolution do you browse in?
Can you blow yourself in the bath?
Which two clans will make it into ECV?
Cruz or Kidman?
What colour background for IRC?
How did 4K^Q50 break his arm?
Who's gonna take the cup in 'dam?
Who's going to top
The winner of WCG will be?
The winner of WCG will be?
Which quake site is best for news?
Is "Nothingness" a word?
Is "Nothingness" a word?
Do you vote on CHUK polls?
Will xsreality ever be back?
Which weekly item could you not live without?
Does CHUK need a re-design
Who rocks the dance dance revolution mostest?
Best sandwhich?
Which writer at ch-uk is the ugliest?
Does Challenge-UK need a new poll?
How long on average does it take Blokey to write a four-line update?
Who will win the BWDML playoffs?
Which is the worst best teamplayer?
RA3 Competitions - CPMA or RA3?
RA3 AllStars: who's gonna win?
Who will be the last UK player on ISDN?
Who will win Quakecon 1on1?
Who will win BWCTF Div 1?
Is Ranger your daddeh?
Whose BW CTF AllStar team is going to win?
What format should the next CPL Europe event take?
Should CHUK reveal the full extent of HELL's antics at CPL Holland?
Who do you think will finish lowest at CPL Holland?

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