Poll Results

Is FMJ|Playerkiller friendly?
I want to be....
E-Zone's 1v1 on Stage: Workable?
E-Zone drops CS
Malaysian clan to win CPL Asia?
Ski||tz wants to organize a new Q3 tourney, when should it be?
Grifter wants to be manloved
Grifter is rox
WCG 2002 compared to last year?
WCG Malaysia StarCraft winner?
WCG Malaysia StarCraft winner?
Who's going to Korea!
Who's going to Korea!
News that interest me
Greatest Pro-Gamer
You prefer
Which OS do you prefer for WCG
2nd WCG i'll be a ______
World Cup 2002, 7 pm tonight!
Malaysia's best gamers hail from
Who gets a holiday in the States?
CPL Malaysia Champion
CS 1.4 ___
A tourney organizer wants to know what you'd like next:
Jedi Knight 2 rocks
Who will win the GameZone Jedi Knight 2 tourney?
I trust in
l337-est weapon
Your favourite Jedi Knight
Prodigy is a ___?
Winning tournaments is better than scoring with THAT girl
I ______ the return of FMJ!
KlangMamak 2: SW0NED by
If you HAD to do one of the following, which would it be?
PGN Q3 tourney - Whir (yumura_kirika) will win. Second place goes to:
So far, my Ang Pow collection is
I am now playing
When her affections wane you turn to
Best CS Player For 2001
How did you spend New Year's?
The ideal Xmas pressie?
Our Malaysian Reps?
The Prank Post!
Quake community hosted tourneys:
I _______ goosehump!
Forcing participants to be randomly paired up in a tourney is
So who is the SECOND best Malaysian Quaker atm?
Like our new look?
Who will win WCG Malaysia?
Nael wins SURVIVOR!
Week 5: GrifteR = sux very long time!
Vote for the winner!
Week 4: G3kArr| out, only 3 left!
Week 3: dA Çoo£éSt ÖnE HäS been kicked out the island. Down to 4!
Week 2: DemonicEngel = lame. Who's next?
Week 1: Who should be voted off the island?
CS tournaments are a bore because...
hello gentlemen!! our poll is broken!!!
I like to vote in polls because
The beetchin box animal is a ...
KlangMamak tourney will be won by
Who would you vote for Menteri Besar?
Did you know CS runs on the Quake engine?
What do you think of Q3 1.29f?
-PLAM-g0ds0n's hair...
So what do you think of DMC?
Best commander?
So what do you want to see more on Challenge-MY?
What do you want to see more on Challenge-MY?
What do you want to see more on Challenge-MY?
Your pick for this weekend's NCT tourney?
Seriously, who will win the UEFA cup?
UEFA Cup winners?
Skysurf v2.0 CS tourney winner?
You in favour of the CO rules?
What do you think about the league-style format for the last 8 teams in the HotWeb Tourney?
Who will win this weeks Art De Nets tournament?!
Who will win this week's Art De Net's tournament?!
You fell for our April Fool prank at first, didnt you?
What IM do you use?
So who will win this weeks Hotnet CS tourney?
Are you happy with the CS content of Challenge-MY now?
Who will win this week's Gen-X surf CS tourney??!
DooM turn ya on?
T4 in our tourney?
Dig Pringles?
So how old are you?
Is the poll working?
Should CPL Asia have a Q3 event?
Was CPL Asia right in leaving out Q3?
Is Telekom + Jaring a monopoly?
What's the highest reg. fee you would pay for a local Q3/CS tourney?
It has to be asked .... Q3 or CS?
Do you know where Malaysia is located on the globe?
Do you know where Malaysia is located on the world map?
Who will you be rooting for in MPlayer Europe-CPL?
Would a new poll question be good to have?
KeiL is a...
KeiL is a...
I dig the new Challenge-MY banner as much as I dig...
I dig the new Challenge-MY banner as much as I dig...
I dig the new Challenge-MY banner as much as ...
How many times have you voted in this poll?

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