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Why is everyone so dumb into thinking that this is a forum... this, WAS, a comments section until all you ignorant little bitches starting posting ur two-cents shite and whatnots in it, and then procede to call this a lame or lousy forum when it wasn't one to begin with !!

Oh jahilnya generasi baru Malaysia... kenapa?

sEBAB tAK sKILL bO dO !!

p.s. why isn't ch-my updating on the webplanet tourney? or at least make some new news topic so I won't have to go thru the trouble of loading all 480-something number of useless comments (oh i forgot, this is a forum)... and in doing so all the small kids here will have more space to spew whatever remains they have of their brains from the hole they now sit upon whilst adding more nonsense in here .....

tENSION bO dO !!