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What Nael wrote has a vey slight effect on me...
although that i think what he did was very responsible as senior member of the gaming community here...
Because I myself am going to sit for my SPM soon...and I think of myself as one of those kind of students which Nael mentioned in his article..I truly wish i had realised this ealier!
And I am not very proud to say that I am still an AWP-whore...=)

Man! You should have wrote this article a long , long time least would have made alot more sense than now... I truly agree that alot of the schooling youth nowadays are trying too hard to be something which wont pay off in the future
And for taking your time and writing this article from your heart... You Rock! =P

To: Those gaming drop-outs
To the rest of you guys who already have dropped out of school... and have already set your mind on pursuing your dreams in Pro-gaming.... All the best...because you have already made your choice...but it still isnt too late to get education...keep that in mind!

To all those sitting for your SPM...All the best!

*sniff* you guys here at CHMY make me weep..
so touching to see members of the gaming community who care for one another...hahahahhaa
