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godson - you fucking virgin killer...jangan bising bising di sini..=P..wei u still in pg ar?..
tapau char kuay teow for me..=)

Nael - my points exactly...were no where near pro-gaming standard...not unless DiV wins the taiwan shit and we suddenly b'cum internationaly recognised as a TRUE FORCE in cyber-athleticism.
everyone has dreams including me..=P

The Rest - specially the clan leaders.what say for one competition we make a team. the malaysian all star team...each one of these few selected people will be like 1 man army's (4 to be precise) and whap in 1 brilliant commander and what do you get?...a force to be reckoned with. Let this team go and win a few competitions over-seas . make malaysia a famous place for gaming , then we can be truly happy as people will come pouring in ready to sponsor almost every clan there is.=P ...of course this is another dream.

lalalalalala smurf the day away...

p.s 10 to 1 odds godson comes back with a different hair color. 25 to 1 he comes back gay.
50 to 1 he comes back as a transvestite. 75 to 1 he comes back with a penis enlarger. 100 to 1 he gets eaten by a sotong.