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fuck. i was thinking of how i would debate on the topic and like all good debators i reread the content. the more i read, the more felt like fighting an uphill battle. soon, i realized the hill was tipped at 110 degrees. i wrote about half way and then decided that fuck it, i'll just say i agree 110 percent now.

but if i were to argue about this, i'd say something like not all prodigies end up as failures and cruel jokes for us to snicker at. there are those who've made their names, their careers and the fame. it doesn't have to be gaming(cos if it isn't, then its more viable for success) the thing about gaming is that they many bigots who run this world still don't think of gaming as an industry.

so to quote: "you don't know what you gonna get till you come to the core"

life's one big gamble. if your gonna play it safe and fold at the earliest opportunity, have it your way. but if you took enough risks and got lucky, you could be on your way to stardom. take most hollywood actors for instance. for every 10 who only makes it into the porn industry, there's always 1 who makes it into the grammy awards.(cum to think of it, there's about 50 others who don't even make it into the pron industry)

a crimelord once said(i'm not makin this up): "i'd rather live like a lion for a day than a rabbit for the rest of my life"

think about it. so we won't be so tight on the saying but hey, its better to have tried this once than never for the rest of your life. i mean its not too late to turn back once you realize one day, 'hey man, i'm not going anywhere like this, time to recall'(recall-mudding term for going back to the start)

let's say mirage did become successful. what else can someone say. i mean, yes, the point still stands, mirage didn't so boo hoo fuck his shoe, but what would happen if he did make his big break. imagine one more face on top of your razerboomslang boxes.

there's a good analogy for this. its like looking for treasure. you've got a map(or in some cases, it's just gut feeling, you don't have a map) and you start digging. sure, you know very well that all your efforts digging will end up wasted if you don't find anything at the bottom and it'll take twice the effort just to climb back up and cover the hole again. but when you strike gold, woweewoopdedoo, it feels great doesnt it?

what i'm trying to say is(yes, the whole point of my rant) is that we should be prepared to take risks sometimes. capre diem u know. i doubt you'll make it big as a pro-gamer when you're 80.

but like i said way way way up above, i'd also like to quote naels magical statement so any one who's read all the way to the bottom here and see those magic words again and say them with me:

"these kids are leaving school at the most critical period of their life!"

so it makes sense doesn't it. school is after all another 'once in your lifetime' experience. once your school life is over, you'll miss it so badly.

mm..i sound deluded don't i?

as i was saying, when you strike gold after digging the hole, it feels great doesnt it? but what happens when that gold runs out. you gotta start digging all over and when u think about it, what are your chances at finding gold?

eh? uh...

so don't fuking leave school to be a pro-gamer. period