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#93 0wn3d !
tensionnyer baca post bodoh2... worst than mine :P ...like #67 ... omg bodohnyer reasoning korang... ada ker orang komplen takleh bawak own equipment boleh tukar topik jadik pasal bukak 'cafe' sendiri... kepala hotak kau berjambul! kau ingat ppl bring their own equipment = bring their own motherboard, gfx card, monitor, cpu, extra ram ker?? bodoh mengalahkan kerbau... orang setakat referring to mouse/mousepad/earphones dier boleh melalut pulaks... SAMPAH !
::regards::[POD] S h o (999)::
oh yeah, i think this (in)famous line suits you :
"...Bodoh! Tolol! Kecik-kecik taknak mampos... besar-besar menyusahkan orang!"