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AHEM AHEM.....Its NOT just a game.....its a sport. And there is still alot of potential for CS to grow in malaysia. Its cause you are willing to allow sub-standard organizing, and accept the half past officials......THATS WHY ITS JUST A GAME!!!! Incase you all dont know the gaming industry is HUGE, multi-billion dollar industry. And there's a reason why....people like Blue Hyppo are willing to sponsor the CPL. Its about MONEY!!! Its business, and branding.
So, to all the SMALL minded people out there. I may be harsh, and at time even rude. But its cause, things can be done better.....and WE MUST EXPECT BETTER!!!! Then we have a future.
Oh another thing, i have heard that in time to come, there may even be CYBER OLYMPICS. Funny??? WATCH!!! It'll will happen.
My question? Are we going to be part of it? Or are we just going to "LEPAK", take things as they come, and probably not be part of it.
Thats in our hands....WHAT DO YOU WANT?