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Just some ideas for the organisers of CPL. yes, its me again Mr,Opinion on CPL. Wildcards are a nice addition to any competition, cause is gives teams who have lost, a second chance to prove their worth. However, once again i must REPEAT myself.....what was the criteria to receiving a wild card???? Its seems, you guys are still insistant on running this competition like amatuers. Listen up, this will be my last post in hopes that MR.SOON.....will take my advice.

People who join competitions, spend a lot of time, effort, money, etc. on trainning in hopes to receive recognition, and hopefully win.

Wild card given away, must have criterias...explainning whom and why they are given to the teams selected.

To say PLAM, deserve the wild card is an unfair statement, simply because you cant answer the above questions.

Why do they deserve it more than any other clan?

They simply DONT. All the clans that join the competition deserve a fair chance a wildcard. Because we all pay the same sort of money, and play under same conditions. Remember, i once mentioned that Tournament Official MUST NEVER NEVER NEVER SEEM to be BIAS. You now seem bias, because you have left this a GREY AREA open....and you have left it for yourself to answer. Mr.SOON.....hey you a good guys, and i think you're doing your best. BUT, if you see where im going with this at would seek help in organising big tournaments like the CPL. You just dont have the experience to take Malaysias CS culture to another level.

Dont take this the wrong way, though i appreciate your efforts....sad to say, i can think of many many ways you can improve the CPL. Wild cards, to those who dont understand the like holding a JOKER when playing Gin Rummy. Its can be anything card. Hence, it should be given away to teams at 1) random, or 2) let the remaining teams fight for it(as in American Football). This allows all teams who have paid the same entry money, who have played under same conditions, fight for the last slot left in the Final rounds. Instead, you went around telling people...maybe i'll give it the team that belanja me makan??? Grow Up SOON. This is the CPL.....people in Europe, and USA play these sort of games as a SPORT!!!! WHEN WILL YOU ORGANISE, A COMPETITIONS LIKE ITS A SPORT, AND NOT LIKE ITS ONLY A GAME!!!!