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EstherX : wat happen to the registration form? you DIOP?
Me and the management of #KlangMamak would like to stress that we do not want to be involve in this forum. Whatever the Penang Tourney do, it does not matter to our #KlangMamak. We just hope that organizer would at least acknowledge us or ask permission from us regarding the used of our 'Rules & Regulations'. Me, fishbrain did not copied the 'Rules & Regulations' from any tourney. 20cm compiled and come out with the whole thing and with days of brain storming.
We just wish the Organizer of this upcoming tourney all the best.
Eh, guys, u know ar, because eddy want Angela to come down to Malaysia to see him ar, he want to have this tournament, and because of that.. I am involved. POOR ME!