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Excuse me all the CS player or none cs player..
You guys are now in the CS COMMUNITY...and everyone of us in KL or perhaps COMPETITIVE CS player knows that this Penang Competition R&R, prize money etc sucks to the max.. But hey, maybe they just dont know how to organise the competition, maybe it's the 1st time for them to organise it???? You will never know, and the registration fee RM100 is actually normal..!!
You know WHY?? Don't ever think that only KL n PJ got Tons of CS Clan...maybe penang do have lots of teams like US HERE IN PJ n KL.. and whenever WE have competition(Kl n Pj) we also charge RM100 or morealess for the competition.. But do ppl in other state complain about the fee is too expensive?? I hope everyone of u here raise youre sportmanship abit... just let those penang cs player join it..and let us here shut up.. If u want to join..then join..dont ever complain so much about the prize money and registration fee..
DO u ever see NCT and Boy3 complain about the fee?
No right??? then pls..think before u complain..

*Sorry if i offended some u guys here.. but it's really annoy me when i read those complains..
