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GG to FdeL,tF,WLG,BH 1,Ze| and eDTs zRo(Twice!).

LE4der : Omg Pls dont mention it man, I was the
most unlucky person in that damn game!
Luckily i got a few frags at the end :P
Btw, Jinz is getting banged by me
everyday non-stop, Lol :P. Hope to see
you soon! Not to forget Syko as well :)

Adrian : STFU already!! Use me as a
Bait...argh! :P

FMJ-Blossom : Great play by all of you guyz and
lets go and get the next

Ps. : I would also like to say thanks to the
organisers for doing a great job Xpecially
to Eddy aka 20cm. Hope to see everyone
again in the next tourney. -Signing out-

FMJ | stayX
-Full Metal Jackets-