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Dear Nael Seafoo.

I am writing on behalf of my brother, Chapz. He has asked me to write to you to inform you that he is sorry for the trouble he has caused. He did not get wind of the police raid at his apartment. Apparently, his tonto who was monitoring the police communications channel fell asleep. The tonto has been taken care of.

My brother did not mean for you to be hauled into jail that night. He stresses his regret to know that the detectives had to interrogate you for 10 straight hours. He knows that anal probes are extremely unconfortable, especially when the 'prober' is a 300-pounder with huge hands named Charlie. But he is glad to hear that you have been realised on grounds of 'insubstantial evidence', based on their investigations. Maybe in a week you'll stop walking like a cowboy.

He is now serving a 8 year sentence. Note the number "8", a very prosperous digit. His operations has been put on hold at the moment. He has had time to analyze his mistakes and determines that the flaw in his plan for world pR0n domination was his move to uninstall Quake 1,2 and 3 from his PC. He hopes you can still be his adviser when he is back in business.

Ok. That's all for now. I bid you good day and a prosperous Chinese New Year.
I have to get back to my business selling 'submerged' handphones.


P/S: Any advice on decorating MY house?