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Oh most revered Seer of True Targets and Fiery Frags!

It is starting to look like a truly confusing year for me!

The health bubbles! They regenerate! Each time I pick them up, they is a slight *pop* in my ears, and at the corner of my sight, I can some numbers go up by 15! I feel much stronger, and strangely enough, I've stopped groaning loudly each time I fall off the fan during strafe jump practice. And that's not all. Two rounds of ceilingfan-to-fridge and back, I glance at the same area, and lo, behold! the bubbles are back! Such wonders I tell you! Thank you for your advice. Placing them near the washing machine was brought me great satisfaction.

But that's only the good news. I've followed your instructions by giving away the mirrors. Now I've regretted that. My guests and tenants now shun my home. They have left and come no longer. Is it not suppose to top the effects of the Perimeter of Positive Chi from flowing out? And my income has decreased. I'm left in dire straits. What is the cause of this? Is it because the absence of the mirrors reveal the voyeuristic cameras I've installed in the rooms? Without any guests and tenants, I cannot make 'homemade pR0n' to sell at the pasar malam, thus reducing my income.

Why has this happened? Your advice on one hand has benefitted me, while on the other, ruined my livelihood! Am I doing something wrong? Did you leave something out? Please O Great Sage Naeled to the Power Planes, HELP ME!

Stricken and sickened,