SHOD build #8c

?old old demos...
Date:???12-16-00 15:21

i personally like very old demos the best as they show a different talent and skill than the newer stuff. i mean stuff like reptile, b2, and thresh from the 1st pgl and older. i also have tried looking for some thresh doom2 demos but with no luck(i found one, and yes thresh would own xoleras). so i wonder if you guys know of any sites which have any of these(ctf, dm, anything!)?

?RE: old old demos...
Date:???12-16-00 16:50

There are tons of old netquake demos on Challenge-TV. They are either under "Netquake" or "Unsorted". There are a couple of thousand demos in Unsorted, including all the Doom 2 demos from shod. They will get sorted and grouped right one of these days...

?RE: old old demos...
Date:???12-18-00 17:03

you need a search engine deth :)

?RE: old old demos...
Date:???02-05-01 10:36

I thought I gave pete about 50-100 doom2 demos. Maybe i'm mistaken.