Player Profile: [EA] Venture (Germany).
What's your Quake handle?
modulok or [EA]veNture
What's your real name and age, and where do you come from?
Sean Bergmann, 19 Years old and I come from Germany
What command line do you use?
./qizmo -p 27808 -a ephadelic -o -3 -n qizmo -t /home/whore/quake/locations -e /home/whore/quake/demos /home/whore/quake/qwcl -mem 128
What PC are you running Quakeworld on and what kind of net connection do you have?
P3 720Mhz, GeForce DDRAM, 256MB Ram, ISDN 64K
What mouse and mousepad do you use?
Logitech Wingman Gaming Mouse with an Everglide Giganta Pad (atm I'm using RazerBS1k)
What's in your config?
Click here to download Venture's config files!
What servers do you usually play on?
don't know, I just refresh them and join :)
What's your favourite speech bind?
"Oh yeah, was that an attempt to hit me?"
Do you have any peculiar birthmarks? e.g the letter "Q" on your butt?!
omg no!
Who's your favorite band or musical artist?
Massive Attack & Hooverphonic
Is there a demo of you anywhere that we could link to?
Look for some upcoming demos at SHOD
What are your favorite iD maps?
DM2 and DM4
What are your favourite custom maps?
i hate custom maps
Are there any tips or strategies you have for newbies (or the rest of us!) on any of these levels, or in general?
demos demos demos :)
What do you find most annoying about Quake and it's players? (if anything!)
ppl who hate fakers
How long have you been playing Quakeworld and how did you get into it?
since the first qtest, i got it from a friend of mine on a few 3,5" disks :)
What has been your favourite match that you've played and why?
the games against lakerman. he hasn`t played for a while but i was very nervous and i got him all times on dm2 :)
Do you try and keep a low profile? If so why do you consider it necessary?
Is there anything else you would like to mention such as any clans you've been in, tourney's you've won, any webpages or perhaps your arch-nemesis?!
i hate ocr|sLoP, LOL :)
How long do you think Quakeworld will last with the arrival of Quake3 and Unreal Tourney? Did you have similar thoughts after Quake2's release if you were playing Quakeworld at that time?
long long
Do you have an email address we could put up on our site if people want to contact you?