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Site Information
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This idea for this site all started inside of my (Hot Cakes) head. After hearing about the closing of Ramshackle and various other review sites I thought a new site was needed as the number of review sites was very small indeed. There are several reasons for this particular page specialising in 1 on 1. Firstly it was my favourite type of game and secondly, being a mapper myself, I thought looking through and analysing the very best 1 on 1 maps out there would have an effect on my work. After a month or so of fighting with myself as to whether or not this site should actually come to be, I decided it should. ZzJohNzZ being one of my loyal beta testers, had always managed to give me well thought out criticizm of my work. For this reason, I respect his opinion and he was the natural choice to help me out with this site. Hopefully, you'll agree with what we have to say about the levels we review, but please remember, they're only opinions; don't take them as fact! Try the levels out for yourself and see if you agree. When we were getting this site up and running, several suggestions were thrown about e.g including an articles section. This along with other little things helped to turn this page into a site for all things 2 player Quake, not just level reviews.
You'll notice that this page has a number of sections to it, located in the control bar on the left: News, Reviews, Top5, Disagreements, Strategies, Demos, Site info and Links. Hopefully this is all self-explanatory but just in case =) .......
News - Here we ramble on about new releases and possible candidates for review and other news in the world of 1 on 1 Quake deathmatch.
Reviews - This is the important stuff. Here you'll find all the levels that we've looked at to date and our opinions on them. Below you can find our review policy.
Top 5 - Here you will find our top 5 custom levels that we have reviewed here at 3AC. The maps that go in here will be made through a joint decision (as pretty much everything else is!) so you can be doubley sure that these maps will rock!
Disagreements - This was John's idea. I think I'm correct in saying that it's unique to all review sites on the net. Basically looking through the number of custom levels we do, we're bound to have disagreements. Here's the place that you'll find maps that we won't review because one of us doesn't like it. A level may absolutely kick ass so we thought it unfair to leave it completely out of the site just because one of us isn't fond of a particular piece.
Articles - This section contains hints, tips, playing guides, rants & raves, and event reviews (amongst other things).
Demos - A collection of demos of various people playing 1 on 1 ganes on custom maps. Feel free to send in any if you have some. Bots or humans, we don't care!
Site Info - You're reading it!
Links - A comprehensive list of Quake news, editing and playing sites for you to browse.
Map Review Policy.
The maps we review here will have been looked at by both myself and John before any reviewing takes place. We decided that if we're going to do a formal review of a map, we must both agree (in general) about whether the level is worth reviewing or not. The disagreements section of the site features those maps which did not make it through this initial process.
Basically, if we see a map we both like and enjoy playing, we'll think about reviewing it. We will have a look at maps that are submitted, but we won't make any promises about reviewing them. However, if you insist we review your map, we will - just don't expect it to be overly positive! Please, if we say we don't like your map, don't throw a fit - it's only our opinion!
We use a combination of Frog-Bots, Omicron Bots and human players to review the levels on this site. We hope this will give a good, rounded opinion of a map. Using these different types of opponent will help to give us a better idea of how the map plays. We'll play the map a good number of times, until we're proficient with it's layout and item-placement before we even think about putting pen to paper.
Review Structure.
We decided at the start that we won't have a formal structure that we have to follow when review maps. Our articles will be quite open ended although we will try to cover all areas that should be covered. At the end of the review, we will give it a rating, usually in the form of a sentence e.g: "All-time classic OMFG download the bloody thing now!" If you have any comments about our reviews or the site in general, feel free to drop us a line and tell us.
Credits and Thank-yous.
We would like to thank Alex for his help with the html as this site wouldn't exist, or at least look half as good as it does without his help.
Jeff Yost and the team at Ramshackle. This was arguably the best review site ever on the net. It's a shame it had to close, but it did a damn fine job when it was open.
All the authors of the maps we review for letting us do just that =)