Rocket Jumping.

The use of scripts can greatly help one's play. Most people use a rocket jump script that looks like something like this:

alias qld "cl_pitchspeed 20000;+lookdown;wait;-lookdown;cl_pitchspeed 150"
alias rjump "impulse 7;qld;+jump;wait;-jump;+attack;wait;-attack;impulse 0;force_centerview"
bind "alt" "rjump"

One nice thing about this script is that it allows one to do a rocket jump without looking at the ground. It also lets you keep aware of your surroundings when performing a rocket jump. When doing a rocket jump manually, you need to look up and down quickly and this at best can disorient you briefly and at worse get you killed. One nice feature of a rocket jump script is that it can be used while airborne. One can jump in the air, hit the rocket jump bind, and gain a bit more height without losing as much health as a normal rocket jump. Another nice feature of the bind is that if you hit it while airborne you don't lose any forward velocity. When people bunny jump and approach steps, normally they land on the steps and lose all the speed they had built up through bunnies. One could hit the rocket jump bind while jumping towards the steps, keep their speed and the rocket jump will give them the extra height to clear the steps. Upon landing you can keep bunny jumping and gain even more speed.

Some people have scripts that allow them to do a forward rocket jump. That is you press a button and you are propelled forward via a rocket jump. Normally you have to turn around and look away from where you want to go, then do a reverse rocket jump, then turn back around and face the direction you want to travel in. This can be quite time consuming, and somewhat dangerous. Forward rocket jump scripts have been around since the days of the True Gamers Invitational 1v1 tournament. EA|Venture has been kind enough to provide 3AC with his forward rocket jump script:

alias Select.RJ.Type.2 "bind e Jump.Type.2;bind \ Select.RJ.Type.3;echo - jump selection: type 2 (hp)"
alias Jump.Type.2 "impulse 7;-forward;+back;+left;+jump;+attack;wait;-attack;-jump;-left;-back;+forward;+right;wait;-right;-forward"
cl_pitchspeed 20000
cl_yawspeed 17280

I have the script bound to key "e." The more you aim your crosshair towards the ground, the higher you jump and have less forward velocity. To jump a certain height, just adjust the angle you look at the ground. This script is put to good use in the amazing demo of EA|Venture vs R.C.James on dm2. The demo can be found at EA|Venture's config can be downloaded from here:

Finally here are some demos of simple moves to try on DM2, DM3, DM4, and DM6. Good luck with the scripts!


rjdem1 - Here is a trick to rocket jump to get to the red armor without losing as much health. Jump up first and in midair hit the normal rocket jump bind.

rjdem2 - Here is a demo that shows how to maintain speed while jumping over the lift near the lower RA on dm2.

rjdem3 - Here the normal rocket jump bind is used to maintain speed while jumping over the steps on dm4.

rjdem4 - From the steps near the bridge on dm3, you can use the rocket jump bind to clear the steps over the YA and get to the quad or jump over the mound.

vjdem1 - Here is a very useful way of getting to the lower rl on dm2 using the forward rocket jump script. It simplifies the normal rocket jump used.

vjdem2 - This jump to the MH/GL area on dm2 is quite difficult consistently to do without the forward rocket jump script. With the script its "easy money."

vjdem3 - The forward rocket jump script makes clearing the center gap on dm6 very simple.

vjdem4 - Here is a quick way of getting out of the megahealth room on dm4.

vjdem5 - Here is a useful jump that is quite common in dm4 duels. Get the grenade launcher and then go to the red armor quickly.

vjdem6 - Here is an easy way to get out of the bottom area of dm4.