25 June '01
Today is the grand re-opening of 3ac. Hot Cakes seems missing in action, no doubt because of his popularity with the women at his university. For the past few months I have been busy running the North American division of smackdown. I have also been writing a column for challenge-us. There is a new review of Blackhawk's map Rockets Red Glare. Click the "reviews" button to the left to see it and please stop by as I will be updating the site more frequently when I am not getting involved in flame wars at the other 2 challenge sites.
20 July '01
We have 3 reviews for all the custom map fans out there. First up is Strange Attraction by Hot Cakes. See Jurassic Park 3 and then recreate all your favorite scenes on this map. Next up is one of the Lost Maps of Bal. This map has more tricks than your average professional magician. The final map reviewed is Dies Irae by the ever so Notorious Ray. Finally there is a small review of Half-Life, Opposing Forces, and Blue-Shift in the articles section.