A Newbies Guide to Jumps
by Pathetic Newbie

You can get hold of all the demos mentioned throughout this article
here instead of obtaining them individually.

You say youre tired of getting fragged? You say you know you have the talent to play better, but you dont know what to do? You say you see others doing incredible stuff and all you can do is sit there and get gibbed? Well, youve come to the right place. I, Pathetic Newbie, was in the same position as you. I got gibbed on a regular basis, while I pushed a button to get a bridge to the armor, or ran down the stairs with a pursuer hot on my tail. I watched the demos and saw that I could do things a bit faster, but the demos didnt tell me HOW to do them faster. Lucky for me, Ive had some first-class teachers along the way, so now I die with much more elan than ever before. And lucky for you, I am now going to share all that I know, and more, with YOU, my fellow newbie.Quake is about speed. Everything is fast, or should be, anyway. The quicker you can get to something, the better off you are, whether it be armor, health, weapons, or ammo. Best of all, if you can catch your opponent, you can shoot him in the back. Its unsporting, but its a kill. Theres no room on the scoreboard for how, just how many.
The first thing you should know about all the jumps in this series is that YOU CAN DO THEM. There is nothing in here which requires superhuman reflexes. I know, because I made the demos. If I can do these, you can (and probably better). You have all the talent you need to do these jumps successfully. What you dont have is the knowledge of what to do, and the experience which will give you the timing you need. Its all timing. There is no strength required; no matter how hard you press on the keys, it wont help (I tried, and it doesnt work). Things do not occur as quickly as you think; in battle, you will mess up because you will start pressing keys TOO FAST. The keys to success are smoothness and a knowledge of what to do. Practice will give you the former; I will give you the latter. In the demos, the strafe and jump key presses are identified so you will know when to use them. Replay the demos many times so you can see the sequence. They come quickly on the screen, but you will find that the key presses are not all that fast, once you get the pattern down.So download the demos, print this article out, and use the file names to see which demos to run. Lets find out how to do some of this stuff and send you on your way to being a Frag God.

DM2 is probably the best map for jumps because there are several that are impressive but doable. When I first saw some of these jumps, my jaw hit the floor. Now, I realize they are not as hard as they looked. But when you dont know what to do, nearly everything here is impossible.

Lets say you spawn by the lower RL. What to do? Well, go get some stuff! You need weapons and armor. Fortunately for you, theyre both right there. But you have to be quick. Your opponent is barreling down on you; every second counts. Grab the RL, jump over the lava (twice) and get armored to the teeth. See how to do it. (

Okay, you have armor and weapons; youre ready to kill. You think your enemy is in the Jesus room. You have to go over the dreaded moving floors. There are several ways to do that. You can be ordinary, fast, or stealthy. Check out the ways. (

Your opponent seems to always know where you are. How can that be? Well, for one thing, those elevators are making too much noise. Find out what to do about that. (

Youve just spawned by the water, and your opponent is listening for you. Wading through the water is certain death. So dont do it. Find out how. (

Youre in a rush to get some rockets and maybe some armor. Down by the water, there are stairs to just what you need. But why take the stairs when you can jump? Take a look. (

Youre in the lower RL area and you just heard your hapless opponent wade through the water (he doesnt know how to jump over it like you do). Youd like to catch him before he gets to the lower YA, but you have to be fast. Find out what will get you there. (

Youre in the Jesus room and you would like to get the GL and mega. A quick jump with the RL and youre there. (

In the US, DM3 is the map for team play. It turns out it is also a good place to practice movement. There are several jumps which will make you faster and better. Lets take a look at a few of them.

Youre in the RA room with someone hot on your tail. You would dearly love to get some armor before you run out of health. You can run around the steps, but there are short cuts that will help you get there faster. Come take a look. (

There are some jumps that look to be too far to be possible. But old Pathetic Newbie found out that in Quake, all things are possible. And some of them are doable, even for someone of my meager talents. See how you can jump from the bridge to the RL room. Its not really useful to do this in a game (not this way,
anyway), but if you can make the jump, your bunny hopping is pretty good. Check it out. (

Youve just grabbed the mega outside, and maybe the pent, and you want to get back in the action. You can take the elevators, but its a lot faster to jump through the window. See how to do this; its easier than you think. (

DM3 is divided into two halves. You can run around the long way, getting fragged a million times in the process, or you can jump from one side to the other. See how to do it. (

Theres a mega waiting for you in the computer room, if you know how to get it. One way is an RJ. But a couple of strafe jumps will get you there with less impact to your armor and health. Take a look. (

Youve just come from the spam room, jumping over a few grenades. Your health is low; youre in no condition to fight. The quickest way to some health is just a strafe jump away. Check it out. (

When you need armor, you need it fast. Sure, you can run, but its better to take as many short cuts as you can. See how to cut down the time you spend getting to the YA. (

The quad is there, beckoning to you. You want it, but you need it in a hurry. See how to get powered up fast, and see how to get out of the death trap once youve got it. (

Lots of 1v1s are played on DM6. With the way the map is set up, it helps to be able to get around quickly, snagging the things you need along the way. Lets take a look at the things a newbie can do to stay alive.

As always, getting armor is your primary concern. See how to get the GA quickly. Then see how to get started on your way back to the RA. Its a blast. (

Once you can do bunnies (and youve found a server that allows them), you can get to stuff quickly. Getting to the RA fast is a life saver. See what bunnies can do for you here. (

You say the server which gives you good ping wont allow bunnies? Well, then youll have to RJ to the RA, wont you? Just make sure you dont spend too long in the air, or youll be gibs coming down. See what to do instead. Also, see a nice place to rest after a tiring frag fest. (

E4M3 is widely known as the bunny hopping testing ground. It has the best corridors to hone your hopping skills. Also, it has some opportunities to work on your RJs. Lets take a look.

If you dont have a chance to use
Hot Cakes famous bunny_xl map ("HAR HAR!" -- Hot Cakes) to work on your bunnies, E4M3 will have to do. Take a look at how to get the bunnies started, with or without a corner to work with. And see how to build up speed, even down a corridor. (spaze4m3-1)

Theres an RA waiting for you in a cubby hole. You are too lazy to run down several long corridors to get it. You want it now. See two ways to RJ to it, one from beneath the cubby hole itself. (

Well, there you have it. A collection of jumps you probably thought you couldnt do. But you can, cant you? Every single one of these can be done by someone of my limited skill, so a person of your abilities will excel. Its all just a matter of learning what to do and doing it. Youll struggle with them at first, but it wont take long to jump around like the Frag God you were destined to be. The key is to apply what you have learned and use these techniques wherever they seem to make sense (and someplaces where they make no sense at all). Youll be amazed at what you can do.

I want to thank ZzJohNzZ and Hot Cakes for the demos, lessons, and the server space for this article. I especially want to thank Incantation for all his help; very few of these demos could have been made without his patient instruction.

Remember, in Quake, SPEED KILLS. Happy Fragging!