CPM Map Pak 1
Friday, 28 July 2000 -
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These are the maps that are included in the first CPM Map Pak:
CPM1 - Wicked
Author: FxR|Jude (Australia)
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Gametypes: 1on1, FFA
When it was first released (as q3jdm8a), this map quickly became a favourite of competitive players in Europe and was used in the finals during the LanArena4 Q3A event in France. It is extremely fast and very well-balanced.

Designer's notes (Jude):
Originally a Q2 ffa map (long live q2!) :), a clan member hounded me for the serious need for a good q3 duel map. He also pointed out that since q3 was just out it was the time to get one out which might make a name for itself.
Well, i thought about starting a new map from scratch but i thought instead i would convert one of my q2 maps which i had just finished off a month or two before. A review (essentially - looks bad but plays well) at LvL saw it get picked up by Roos and the rest is history as they say.
A rework is near, and iv'e learned a few tricks :)
CPM2 - Coitus Interuptus
Author: [69]Streamer (Sweden)
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Gametypes: 1on1, 2on2, FFA
Larger than CPM1 and CPM3, and with more open areas, this map found its niche in the map pak. The map is still very fast and offers some great gameplay.

Designer's notes (Streamer):
You may not believe this, but at first this map looked more like q3dm12. My intention was to create a large map for 2on2, with a lot of jump pads so that they can quickly jump around the map. I did work on the original idea for about a week or so, until i decided that I didn't like it at all... Then i sat down and walked around all q3 dm maps for inspiration, and I can't lie to you, q3dm6 was the map i liked the most.. :)
The key feature of dm6, and the goal for mine, was the flow of the map. Running around it had to be easy and fast. That's where the most work went, figuring out how it felt most natural.
Enough reading, time to play! :)
CPM3 - Use and Abuse
Author: FxR|Jude (Australia)
Author contact:
Gametypes: 1on1, FFA
This is the follow-on map developed by the author of CPM1. Built with Pro Mode in mind, and inspired by Quake's DM4 it is a high-performance map. It was used extensively (over Q3DM6 and Q3DM13) by US players in the Lansanity Pro Mode Tournament (July 2000).

Designer's notes (Jude):
Well, i thought i would try something a little different - Stacked, but quick. It's very DM4 style which no doubt will add fuel to the arguments of the people who say that CPM = QW but it's not what i intended - what i intended for is to make a map similar to DM4 and i think for the most part i have done that.
Since i had alot of people comment on how bad CPM1 looks i though i would try some custom textures as well.. a mixed effect, some people like it and some dont. I also wanted to make it contrast against CPM1 in the Armor department, this map has lots :)
CPM4 - Realm of Steel Rats
Author: Khaile (Sweden)
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Gametypes: 3on3, 4on4, 5on5
Built by one of the chief programmers of CPM, this map quickly became very popular in Europe due to its enormous scope for tricks and creative gameplay. Custom teamplay maps are very rare, and this one is specifically designed for CPM to give the expert player maximum options and to provide a strategic goal for teamplay.

Designer's notes (Khaile):
When I started on this map, I was going to remake one of my old QuakeWorld teamplay maps ("Dark Chambers"), but I soon realised that it wasn't possible to convert the gameplay to Q3 (mainly because Dark Chambers was dependent on the powerful and slow-spawning Pentagram). I then started over with the remake, but kept Q3 gameplay in mind instead. The only area that still can be recognized from the QW version is the Quad/Upper RL area.
The map was designed to create two different areas, "the winner's and the loser's edge". The winner's edge is the Quad, Upper RL and RA areas. They can also defend the lower RL if the team has the man power to spare. The loser's edge is the lower tunnels, the Quad teleporter and the plasmagun areas.
When I was a QW newbie I was amazed when I saw experienced players perform "difficult" tricks (like jumping between quad and ring on dm3, hehe) and I was really excited when I managed to perform those tricks myself. Of that reason, I have almost over-done the number of shortcuts on this map... hope you'll enjoy them :)
Download the map pak here!