Wednesday, 14 February 2001 -
Impressions of the first CH Smackdown Season 3 comments
It's a bit late; the second season of Challenge Smackdown is already well underway in most divisions, but here is my little review of its first incarnation.
After having played in Villains II and a Clanbase QW league, I was looking for some more action for my team. Villains II actually seemed dead at that moment (it took a few months before the finals were played).
In order of appearance the people I talked to about setting up a QuakeWorls league on Challenge would have been Hoony, JP, Griff, Gacel, Wart and Porto, Ego and Andy, ZzJohnzZ, Apollyon and Tekai. When I contacted them, Gacel had just finished a season of the LEQW (Spanish QW league) and on CHAU I had just seen that the Autralians were looking to set something up. Ego and Andy joined in after they did bring Villains II to a succesful conclusion afterall. I knew ZzJonhzZ a bit from some source code projects coverage I did at that time. When Ego had to go to the army, Apo came in as his replacement and brought his teammate Tekai with him.
After plenty of meetings discussing the rules and the general organisation of the league, on May 28 we announced our little project to the public. Registrations went quite well and the amount of teams entering almost exactly matched our expectations. Although this was just the first season, most European top teams registered, new teams were formed in North America and Australians proved very keen to participate. Expectations were rather high for both players and admins although the start was 'pretty rough' with the disagreements about the Australian division and the lack of a complete system to track games and results.
At the start of the season, many games were played but in general enthousiasm dropped a bit from August on. However, the finals were a huge success in all four divisions.
Looking back on the first season, I think Challenge Smackdown achieved a few nice results.
In conclusion, considering it was the first season and many of the admins, even the people leading the divisions, didn't have any experience with running an online competition, I hope I can say we managed pretty well. Not without the help of many people however.
The players pushed the game we all love to its limits and far beyond, providing everyone with exiting demos once again. All game admins everywhere made their game reports fun reading and their dedication to making the games run smooth while adhering to the strict rules was simply beyond expectation. DethKultur, Hoony and Greyseer provided us with continued support with the backoffice and the sites in general.
I would like to specially thank the people in the Challenge Smackdown team for their countless hours spent in attending meetings, refining rules, adminning games, helping out each other and in the meanwhile, trying to be nice to players. Thanks to Appolyon, Gacel, Wart and ZzJohnzZ for taking up the responsability of running a division, to Andy for being the super game admin in europe (I think he singlehandedly adminned half of the games), to Tekai for designing logos and being helpfull wherever possible and to Ego for starting the North European division and providing the Villains rules as a firm basis to build and improve on. Be it because they suddenly lost their connection, because they had a major fight on their hands between teams, because they made a silly mistake sometime and had convinced themselves they lost all credibility; at one point or another all of the main admins, including me, were about to quit. Somehow, with the help of many players and supporters, we always managed to convince each other to carry on and in the end I hope everyone is now hapy we did.
And now back to Season 2 again.
Wednesday, 10 January 2001 -
SD client compatibility/security 6 comments
It has taken a while for me to complete this update; much longer then I intended anyway. It's been on my hard drive for about 3 weeks although it has continuesly been updated and revised. The subject is compatibility of the Smackdown client/server with existing official (id) QW versions and cheat protection.
I've included ideas from the interesting discussion following my previous update and from some IRC discussions I've had in the meanwhile (other Smackdown admins, ZQuake and MoreQW people and arQon). Am I now, after last times discussion, still convinced we should go ahead with this project? Obviously, or wouldn't be updating at all :)
In my mind, compatibility can be seperated into three main areas:
Quake C
I think some improvements and/or bug fixes to the Quake C interpreter will be unavoidable. The problem here is that many cool mods aren't updated anymore so if the code needs to be altered, it won't be possible.
On the other hand, the amount of currently popular mods is very limited. I think KTeams and derrivatives for deathmatch, TeamFortress, some CTF mod and a FFA mod would probably cover 95% or more of the current online QW activity. KTeams is being maintained so we could possible get help there anyway. CTF and FFA mods are fairly simple and limited in scope, so I dont really expect a problem there either. TeamFortress is a different matter however. Although I believe the source code is available, the mod is extremely complex and really pushes Quake C to its limits. Any changes to the Quake C engine would most likely break it in one way or another, quite possibly beyond repair. Then again, how much are the TF and the deathmatch scenes intermixed and how much do we, as team deathmatch crowd care about it anyway?
Still, I would like to see compatibility for mods maintained. At least it would save mod authors from having to create custom versions for each new QW project.
Existing servers and clients
Since we couldn't hope to replace all QW servers around the world with the Smackdown server, the best would be to maintain compatibility with the current networking code. Actually, ideally I think we should have two seperate modes for clients and servers alike: regular and competition mode.
In regular mode, the client would be able to connect to a standard 2.3+ server. besides the improved graphics, the advantage of this mode would be limited to the fact that no external proxy would be required for teamplay messages. Other then fixing some exploits, the server may be able to incorporate some very basic additional cheat protection like running something like the f_modified checks automatically and kicking clients or refusing their connections accordingly. I suspect any such checks in this mode would be very easy to get around with the source available and hence not worth the effort. Spectators would behave in the same way as in regular QW. People connecting to the server would receive a message suggesting them to 'upgrade' the improved client.
In competition mode, the server only accepts connections from a Smackdown client, at least for the players. The network code is fully optimized and teammessages are treated different from regular chat. (How this could work and the advantage of this approach, I've explained here a while ago.) Cheat protection is fundamental in the design of the communication between server and client in this mode. (How this is going to be handled is far from clear at this moment, but thats not my problem now.)
Furthermore the server would have some features specifically designed for adminning matches. For example, it could accept a configuration file from the designated admin (player or spectator) so all match parameters are set automatically (may be possible for some mods already). The admin could be able to set players rates, kick players, request screenshots, adjust settings for spectators.
Even in this mode, the server could still accept regular QW clients as spectators. The transmission of the game towards them would be delayed by a settable time to deal with the possibility of players having someone speccing an enemy in the same room. In this mode, the server should also be able to record a server side demo and transmit it to the admin or another spectator designated by him.
As far as I can tell, both modes would require vastly different networking code. It might therefore not be possible to combine them into one server/client. Still, in my ideal world it would be, and its well within my rights to wish for it :)
The QW 'feel'
The specific 'feel' of QW or any other FPS is evidentely a very subjective notion, impossible to quantify and hence neigh impossible to tweak/adjust/improve. To me it's quite obvious however that this 'feel' should be maintained at all cost, or any support from hardcore players for the project will be lost.
The suggestion of making a Q3 mod for QW beyond posing me in the difficult position of having to buy Q3 to exlusively play a mod has the major problem that this feel of QW would have to be recreated from scratch. The same problem would exist when starting from completely different engines as well.
Furthermore I'm afraid the 'feel' would not only depend on the in-game physics but also for example on how the client and the server interact (e.g. the shaft in Q3 and that in QW).
Of all problems facing a Smackdown coding project, this could possibly be the worst and most difficult to overcome and it is in this area specifically where the feedback of (top)players would be most needed.
These were my current thoughts about compatibilty and necessary cheat protection and how they could be handeled in a Smackdown project.
I am still profoundly convinced that with the backing of our team deathmatch league has a reasonable chance at success. is willing to start and coordinate the necessary dialogue between players, admins and programmers and once we have our new site, we will set up a seperate section for it.
As always, any suggestions welcome!
some interesting links: Darkplaces, a new graphics engine
Quakeforge, general coding
OpenQuartz, a (very incomplete) replacement pak file
There are plenty more projects; when I gathered them last April I had about 20 or 25. When the new Smackdown site is up, I'll upload this info again.
Wednesday, 13 December 2000 -
A Smackdown QW project (?) 23 comments
Ever since the inception of the Challenge Smackdown team deatmatch league, sometime around March or April, the people involved have been discussing the possibilty of making use of the available Quake(World) source code to create an improved version especially for Smackdown or for online leagues more generally. Nothing ever really came of this but almost every other of our meetings ends in a brainstroming session about how great this would be. On one of our latest encounters we have actually decided that we should probably set up a project like the Pro-Mode on the new Smackdown website.
I have my very own (and quite elaborate) ideas about what could and should be done with the QuakeWorld source. I plan to share these with you over a few updates in the comming days. As everything here, these will be my own opinions and preferences, not necessarily all or any of the other people behind the Smackdown scene agree with them.
But first, let me explain why I think we need a 'Smackdown client/sever' (just to give it a name). For convenience I'll assume throughout you agree with me that QuakeWorld is a great game and by itself already an outstanding platform for competitive gaming.
For one, and in prinicple at least, due to the release of the source code, QuakeWorld is currently very suceptible to cheating. Even though this has mainly only been a marginal problem with online QuakeWorld leagues, it needs to be adressed urgently. The reason is very simply that if the game was to pick up in popularity, the incidences of cheating, even in well regulated competitions, would rise accordingly.
To make QuakeWorld really viable for pro-gaming (again) it indeed needs to attract a broader audience. I see two parallel ways of accomplishing this. One prerequisit is to increase the appeal the game has to the 'average gamer'. Capturing their attention can be acomplished by a plethora of improvements to the engine, ranging from an upgraded user interface over enhanced visual effects to extended spectator options.
The other avenue is to make the game completely free for download. Partially this can already be acomplished since the engine code was released under GPL by id and can thus be freely altered and distributed. But while the game physics have also been made available by id, the other game data (sounds, models, textures and maps) to my understanding are not. (In other words, for the somewhat technically inclined, all but the qwprogs.dat in the .pak files can not be distributed.) This means that in order to use an improved game version, the user has to buy the original Quake from id. And although 'buying something from id' is not necessarily a bad thing, I think this step should be avoided by inlcuding freely distributable artwork with the Smackdown client.
Having a free game also would have the added benefit of severing the ties of the gamers and competition organisers to a software company and instead put the development and the evolution of the platform in the hands of the players themselves. (A while ago, I made a rather extensive update about this issue here).
Most of the projects currently going on with the QuakeWorld source code promise to deliver on some of these issues, but, as far as I can tell, none will cover everything. Also, most of the developement is being done from the perspective of the respected TeamFortress community, and not from that of the deathmatch (one-on-one or team) crowd. I think this makes a Smackdown project with the QuakeWorld source code desirable. Actually, I think that such a project would have a fair chance of succeeding because of the way Smackdown is set up as a whole. It's not unfair or presumptuous to say the first season of the league gathered most of the best and respected teams and players in the current QuakeWorld scene, I hope. Because of this situation, I think a Smackdown client, in which these players obviously also could give their input, and if it's any good, would have a good shot at being accepted as a new standard.
I hope I managed to convince you of the necessity of setting up a project with the QuakeWorld source code to aid online leagues and QuakeWorld as a lasting gaming platform in general. In my next update I intend to take a look at some cheat prevention options.
Monday, 04 December 2000 -
Pop Quiz 1 comment
Which software company
Friday, 28 April 2000 -
Develloping a Pro Platform comment
Recently there have been some rumours floating around about a game under devellopement by the CPL and some currently unidentified game producing company (e.g. see GameCenter, EuroGamer or Sirex Column). If there is some truth in this, I wonder how exactly the gaming platform will be made available. That's what I'll take a look at in this update.
Of course, the first question we need to ask is: "Do (FPS-)gamers need to take charge of their own affairs and design a game themselves?" Answering this isn't obvious, as the whole discussion about the Pro-Mode for example clearly proves. (In my opinion, the most intelligent threads on this topic can be found below some of Revelations recent columns.)
As I see it, the advantages of getting an 'gamers organisation' (if such a thing can be formed in the first place) involved in the game developement are:
As you can probably tell I'm a big fan of the Open Source route. And the nice thing about that is that it can actually be tested in a realistic scenario already. So, although I would love to see QuakeWorld source code devellopment result in the next big gaming platform, I think the processes involved can serve a much larger purpose in the future of professional gaming too.
Friday, 07 January 2000 -
Q3A-Pro vs. QW Source comment
When Hoony first announced his plans to make a 'Professional gamers Mod' for Q3 I was quite happy about the idea. His intentention is to make a version of Q3 suitable for competitive play as compared to the out-of-the-box gameplay which is according to many, more or less newbie-oriented and lacks depth. Hoony had been considering such a mod even before the official release of the game, from the point where it became evident that some gameplay aspects werenīt going to be altered by id (e.g. footsteps, weapon switch time, rocket speed, splash damage).
Q3 is now available and it seems the coordination of work for the mod is well underway. Meanwhile, the source code of the original quake and its derivatives (the ever popular QW in particular) has been released by id as well.
Now I am starting to have second thoughts about the necessity of the Pro-mod however. Let's look at the current situation again: on the one hand there is Q3 with quite a few gameplay issues many people arenīt too happy about and on the other hand there is a source code available of a game a great number of people are still enjoying after several years of intense play. And somehow, more by accident than anything else, the latter game doesīt suffer these gameplay problems.
Given this situation, and knowing we want to have a game that can be used for entertainment and competitive play, what seems to be the more sensible thing to do? Either reverse-design Q3A to put the gameplay on par with QW or take QW and add some new features?
I would opt for the second one for several reasons:
Friday, 17 December 1999 -
The Bot Plot comment
What do jumppads, footsteps and grapple-less CTF have in common?
Jumpads are used to overcome height differences or horizontal gaps in first person shooters . Much in the way platforms and elevators are used in most of them really. Actually, in q3 jumppads have all but completely replaced these platforms and elevators.
Moving elements, whether triggered by some sort of button or not, donīt pose problems to any except the daftest of people. To bots however, they can be a great challenge. For a bot (and its AI), figuring out which trigger provokes what to move (and to what purpose!) is exceedingly difficult. Even worse, bots have a hard time determining when the ride is over once they actually do manage to get onto any moving piece of furniture. Typically they will bail out before the final destination is reached, mostly jumping back to the spot they came from in the first place. In fact, platforms and elevators can make complete portions of maps (and thus certain items) inaccessible to bots.
Enter jumppads. Jumppads are much easier to understand and use for computer brained opponents than platforms or elevators. They donīt need triggering, have one way in (or on) and one way out. no rocket science needed to create a bot that can perform well on these.
Or they could be in q3 because it īspeeds upī gameplay, as some have stated.
Nobody likes footsteps it seems. Everyone told id nobody wanted footsteps in q3. I havenīt seen one single argument in favor of footsteps. Still, footsteps are in q3.
People are good at prediction: they can guess the opponents position based on other noises (item pickup, jumps), based on timing or based on the understanding of the oppositions present needs (e.g. for a weapon or for armor). Footsteps are quite unecesarry for a human to acomplish this as anyone who ever played a game of quake (no numeral) can testify.
Bots however -to put it mildly- suck at prediction. Prediction involves a great deal of decision making and AI much more complicated than required for the route planning and inventory management.
On the other hand, by definition, (server side) bots always know where their opponents, both human and computer controlled hang out. they know the exact location, they know which items are being carried, they know the health and armor status of each of their adversaries. Itīs more difficult to program a bot that misses convincingly than one that has a 100% hit efficiency.
Enter footsteps. Footsteps give away positions at a medium range; at the range where prediction shots are important. For humans and bots alike they arenīt particullary necesarry for the reasons stated above. Yet, footsteps are a great excuse for a bot, that doesnīt understand anything about (human) tactics, to hit you head on with a rocket when youīr turning a blind corner. Basically, footsteps can somewhat hide the lack of decent prediction AI.
Or they could be in q3 because it makes the game more īrealisticī, as some claim.
Grapple Gone
The grappling hook has been a part of capture the flag mods since the very begining. So when id started working on CTF for q3, they logically build the models and included the fysics for a hook. Yet at some point, all of a sudden, the grappling hook is kicked out as being a design flaw that only interferes with the true nature of the game. Odd to say the least.
Somewhat experienced human players don't have much problems in using the grappling hook. Itīs just a means to get somewhere important fast.
For bots however, navigation over land is difficult enough. Still, to get from point A to point B not too many routes are available. Navigation in water adds the tird dimension to the movement albeit typically in rather limited portions of the map. Travelling around with a hook however opens up the third dimension completely and a whole lot of new routes become available. Not many existing bots use the grappling hook convincingly.
Enter grapple-less CTF. No more difficult navigation decissions that are only used by the bots in a small portion of the game (the CTF mode) of the game anyway. Of course, custom maps can still include the grapple. But since itīs not in the official version of the game, nobody can reasonably expect this to be supported by the computer controlled opponents.
Or it could be out of q3 because it would ruin īteamplayī, as some have implied.
So, what do jumppads, footsteps and grapple-less CTF have in common?
Maybe these changes/additions/omissions of very basic gameplay features have to accomodate mediocre bot performance.
Or they could just be great ways of improving the gaming experience.
PS: I havenīt actually played against any q3 bots. I donīt even actually have q3 anymore (first test was the last one for me). I donīt really care either if the bots arenīt worth their salt; Iīll most probably never play them anyway even in the unlikely event that I would actually decide to give q3 another try. I am seriously bothered however by cover-up tactics and fluffy speech by some game designers. Itīs not a design flaw, itīs a feature!